Note: When adding brake fluid to the master cylinder reservoir, use only Delco Supreme 11 fluid or equivalent (DOT-3) from a clean sealed container.
1. Place a rag to collect fluid under the brake master cylinder.
2. With the ignition off, press the brake pedal 3-5 times to release the vacuum in the vacuum brake booster.
3. If the main brake cylinder was bled outside the vehicle or if the brake pipes were disconnected from the main brake cylinder, perform the following operations:
- A) Set the brake fluid level in the brake cylinder reservoir to the maximum level mark.
- b) Disconnect the front brake line from the master brake cylinder (front fitting).
- V) Drain a small amount of brake fluid from the open fitting of the master cylinder (under the influence of gravity).
- G) Install the brake pipe in place, tighten the fastening nut.
- d) Ask the assistant to slowly press the brake pedal to the stop and hold the pedal.
- e) Loosen the nut on the same brake pipe to bleed air from the brake master cylinder.
- and) Tighten the tube nut and ask an assistant to slowly release the brake pedal.
- h) Wait 15 seconds, then repeat the steps (V) - (and) until the air is completely removed from the master brake cylinder.
- And) Tighten the front brake tube nut and follow the steps (V) - (and) with rear brake tube.
- To) Once the master cylinder has been bled, securely tighten the brake pipe nuts.
4. Fill the master cylinder reservoir more than halfway. Maintain fluid level while pumping.
Note: Before removing the reservoir cap, clean the surface of the reservoir.
5. Install a box wrench to the RIGHT REAR brake caliper drain screw.
6. Install a transparent hose onto the drain screw.
7. Immerse the other end of the hose in a clear container with clean brake fluid.
8. Ask the assistant to slowly press the brake pedal to the stop and hold the pedal.
9. Loosen the drain valve to remove air.
10. Tighten the drain valve and have an assistant release the brake pedal slowly.
11. Wait 15 seconds and then repeat steps 8-10 until all air is removed.
12. Repeat the pumping operations in the sequence:
13. Fill the reservoir of the main brake cylinder according to the maximum level mark.
14. Slowly press and release the brake pedal.
15. If the pedal "soft", repeat the bleeding procedure. If the brake pedal remains "soft" pumping, then:
- A) Check the brake system for external leaks.
- b) Bleed the system under pressure, you will need special equipment.
16. Turn on the ignition, do not start the engine. Check the status of the brake system indicator. If the light stays on, run a system diagnostic.