Brake system device The working brake system is hydraulic, dual-circuit, with a diagonal separation of circuits. In normal mode, when the system is working, both circuits work. In...
Replacing the brake pads of the front wheels We replace the pads in the event of the maximum permissible wear of their linings - the minimum thickness of the pad, including its base, must be at least 7...
Replacing the brake pads of the rear wheels We replace the pads in the event of the maximum permissible wear of their pads or the rear wheel brake drum. The pads also need to be replaced when the pads...
Removing the brake master cylinder Elements of the main brake cylinder: 1 - tank cover with a sensor for insufficient liquid level in the tank; 2 - reservoir of hydraulic brakes and clutch; 3 —...
Removing the vacuum brake booster We remove the vacuum brake booster for replacement in case of its failure. Disconnect the wiring harness from the fluid level sensor and unscrew the two nuts...
Replacing the front wheel brake hose We replace the brake hose if it has mechanical defects - scuffs, cracks or ruptures, as well as if a leak of brake fluid through the hose is detected. After...
Front wheel brake disc replacement The thickness of the brake disc must be at least 19 mm. If the brake disc has cracks, scratches more than 0.4 mm deep, waviness or other damage, it must be...
Rear wheel brake hose replacement We replace the brake hose of the rear wheel brake mechanism if it has mechanical defects - scuffs, cracks or ruptures, as well as if brake fluid leaks through...
Removing elements of the parking brake system We replace the parking brake cables when they break, stretch or jam inside the shells, when adjusting the parking brake fails to keep the car stationary on a...