You will need: Flat and Phillips screwdrivers.
1. Disconnect the wire from the terminal «minus» battery.
2. Remove the front seat (see «Removal and installation of a forward seat»).
3. Pull out the retainer of the red block of the wiring harness...
4.... press the latch...
5.... and disconnect the block from the driver's airbag control unit.
6. While pressing the latch, disconnect the black block of the wiring harness from the block.
7. Pull out the retainer of the white block of the wiring harness...
8.... press the latch...
9.... and disconnect the block from the driver's airbag control unit.
10. Turn out two screws of fastening of the block to the basis of a seat...
11.... and remove the block.
12. Install the driver's airbag control unit in the reverse order of removal.