2. Raise and secure the vehicle so that the body rests on stands.
3. Remove wheels.
4. Remove the brake caliper and suspend it in the space of the wheel well so that the caliper does not pull on the brake hose.
5. Disconnect the wheel speed sensor connector.
6. Remove a nut of fastening of a spherical support to a rotary fist.
7. Using an appropriate puller, disconnect the conical pin of the ball joint from the steering knuckle.
8. Disconnect the tie rod end from the steering knuckle.
Caution: Pay attention to prevent over-tensioning of the drive shafts. Constant-velocity joint (further - SHRUS) can be separated by applying large longitudinal forces. Disengagement will damage the hinge. In addition, when carrying out any work on or near the drive shafts, use protective equipment for the anthers of the CV joint.
9. Remove the splined part of the CV joint from the front wheel hub and secure it with a suspension to prevent the anthers from being pulled on or the inner CV joint from disconnecting from the gearbox.
10. Remove nuts of fastening of a rack to a body.
11. Remove the stand.
1. Install and secure the strut assembly to the vehicle. At the same time, tighten the upper fastening nut to a torque of 60 Nm.
2. Connect the CV joint of the drive shaft to the front wheel hub.
3. Connect the tie rod end to the steering knuckle and tighten the fastening nut to 60 Nm.
4. Attach the ball joint to the steering knuckle and tighten the fastening nut to 100 Nm.
5. Connect the front wheel speed sensor connector.
6. Install the brake caliper in place and tighten the mounting screws.
7. Install the wheel.
8. Install a new CV joint nut with the hub and tighten it to 300 Nm.